Research, Policy and Advocacy

What we do
INECC strives to advocate for policy at the local, state and national, and international levels.
- At the local level INECC plays the role of influencer with the communities (men, women and youth), farmers, local governance institutions, and government officials to forge the Climate Change agenda in the local development policies and programmes.
- At the state and national level INECC aims to share local people-centric solutions, and influence ministries and government departments to take relevant actions while considering authentic stories from the ground. It also plays a critical role in highlighting equity gaps in government policy processes.
- At the international level INECC plays a role of a watchdog. Through side events, INECC and its partners share experiences, learnings, and insights from its community engagements with global stakeholders. It also keeps a close watch on the translation of the decisions at the Conference of Parties for the most marginalised communities in India.
INECC network and partners provide the following services:
- Developing policy briefs and recommendations for local, state and national government departments with a Climate Change and Sustainable Development perspective